Thursday, August 31, 2017

8-31-2017 Vocabulary Builder

Today's Activities
Vocabulary Builder: temperature, matter, average, molecules

Find Vocabulary Builder in Google Classroom

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

8-30-2017 Finish Models of Hot & Cold Water

Today's Activities
1. Finish Model of Hot and Cold Water
2. Vocab Builder
3. Read Absolute Value Article

Turn In Your Model
To SAVE and TURN IN your Model, go to GOOGLE CLASSROOM, open the doc called MODELING HOT AND COLD WATER TURN IN.

Insert > Image

Place your JPEG into the Turn In doc.

Then turn in the assignment!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

8-29-2017 Modeling Hot & Cold Water

Go to Google Drive and make a new folder called 6 Science.

Go to Google Classroom  and open #4 Modeling Tool.

Press the printer button to SAVE the doc as a PDF.  NAME IT MODELING.PDF and save.

Click the small circle on the bottom of your Chromebook screen  to open your app.

Click on Chrome Webstore and search for SketchPad.

Open SketchPad and start trying out the tools.

In SketchPad click New Project.

Click Import Project.

In Drive, click DOWNLOADS and find the document MODELING that you just saved. Click OPEN.

Use SHIFT and the minus or plus sign to make the Doc bigger or smaller.

Begin to complete the Document.

When finished, click the down arrow at the top left of your screen and SAVE PDF. Name it with your first name.  Save is in your SCIENCE folder.

Monday, August 28, 2017

8-28-2017 Thermal Energy Simulator

Today, we will begin our observation of the THERMAL ENERGY SIMULATOR.

Go to Google Classroom and find the Doc: 4. Modeling Tool - Difference In Temperature

Friday, August 25, 2017

8-25-2017 Lab Debrief

Today's Activities
1. Pair Discussion/Class Discussion: We will share our observation of the movement of the food coloring through the hot and cold water.

In a class discussion, we want to respect the ideas of others. Click here to find out how.

2. We will REFLECTION on The Investigation.
-We will look at our Claim One.
-We will decide if we want to change our claim (did we change our mind), add to it, or keep it exactly as it is.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

8-23-2017 Lab Day: Investigating Hot & Cold Things

Today's Activities

1. Let's review our SKILL CHECK - Reading a thermometer.  YOU WILL NEED YOUR SCIENCE NOTEBOOK FOR THIS.

Here are the results from the activity yesterday.

2. Let's find out "How is something different when it is warmer or cooler?"

Go to to get 3. Lab Investigating Hot & Cold Things


Tuesday, August 22, 2017

8-22-2017 Welcome To Rickard Science

Welcome to Rickard Science

Click here and bookmark Rickard Science Website.

Today's Activities
We will begin our investigation of thermal energy

1. We'll explore our UNIT QUESTION
2. We'll start Chapter One by watching a video introducing the challenge
3. We'll make a claim in Google Classroom
4. We'll sharpen our Reading A Thermometer Skills

Tonight's Homework

6-4-2018 Chemical Reactions 323, 324

Click here (BOOKMARK THIS!) Metabolism 323: Reading - make 3 annotations and be ready to share. Metabolism 324:...