Tuesday, February 27, 2018

2-27-2018 Climate 331, 332, 333

Click here Learning.amplify.com

1. Do the warm up Climate 331.

2. Then read Climate 332 Climate Change Solutions. Then Pick ONE OF THE SOLUTIONS BELOW:

  • Solar Power
  • Bikes & Transit
  • Capturing Methane from Cows
  • Capturing Carbon Dioxide at Power Plants
  • Reforestation

3. Answer the questions at the bottom of the page for the solution you picked.

4. Go to Climate 322

Find the TWO annotations you picked to #share. Take turns reading them to your partner and explaining why you picked that annotation.

Change that annotation from #share to #discussed.

5. Then go to Climate 333. We will share out our ideas about solutions to climate change.

Early Finishers:
Continue working on Khan Academy Coding. Click Here  Use Earbuds if you have them. Or listen QUIETLY through your computer speakers.
Start with the Basics. (Click Let's go)
Then choose Intro to JS/Drawing and Animation (Draw a snowman.)

Remember, capitalization matters. If you make one mistake like using : instead of ; your code WILL NOT WORK. Happy Coding!

ALERT! Coding might be hard but it is worth learning! People who know how to code can get a job at Amazon here in San Luis Obispo right out of college that pays $120,000. Most first jobs only pay about $35,000 if you're lucky!

ALERT: If Khan Academy is not working, do Code Combat.

Friday, February 23, 2018

2-23-2018 Climate 321: Solutions To Climate Change

Click here Learning.amplify.com

1. Finish answering the questions from yesterday's lesson Climate 325 Homework Investigating Forest Cover In The Sim.

2. Go to Climate 321 and write your idea(s) about how humans can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and methane they add to the atmosphere?

3. Then go to Climate 322 and read Climate Change Solutions.

4. Make 4 annotations. Pick TWO and type #share for those two annotations. You will share those during class discussion time when Ms. Rickard is back.

Early Finishers:
Work on Coding.

Early Finishers:
Continue working on Khan Academy Coding. Click Here  Use Earbuds if you have them. Or listen QUIETLY through your computer speakers.

Start with the Basics. (Click Let's go)

Then choose Intro to JS/Drawing and Animation (Draw a snowman.)

Remember, capitalization matters. If you make one mistake like using : instead of ; your code WILL NOT WORK. Happy Coding!

ALERT! Coding might be hard but it is worth learning! People who know how to code can get a job at Amazon here in San Luis Obispo right out of college that pays $120,000. Most first jobs only pay about $35,000 if you're lucky!

ALERT: If Khan Academy is not working, do Code Combat.
Click here for Code Combat

Thursday, February 22, 2018

2-22-2018 Climate 325 Forest Cover

1. Discuss 314 annotations.

The evidence I found is _______.
The way it answers the question is ________.

2. Photosynthesis Chat - Take out your notebooks.

3. Go to Climate 325. Click on the SIM, then click on the square at the left top to change the map to Human Activities Mode.

Click here Learning.amplify.com

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

2-21-2018 Climate 314

Yesterday, with Climate 312, we used the sim to test the impacts human activities have on the amounts of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in our atmosphere. Many of you did not finish.

Today we will create a model to show HOW human impacts Carbon Dioxide and Methane in our atmosphere and the amount of heat energy leaving the atmosphere.

Go to Climate 314.

Click here Learning.amplify.com

Then read “Global Warming: A History of a Hot Debate” and answer the two questions at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

2-20-2018 Finish Climate 312 Coding

Last week, with Climate 312, we used the sim to test the impacts human activities have on the amounts of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in our atmosphere. Many of you did not finish.

Go to Climate 312, use the sim to complete the questions that go with the SIM.

Click here Learning.amplify.com

Early Finishers:
Continue working on Khan Academy Coding. Click Here  Use Earbuds if you have them. Or listen QUIETLY through your computer speakers.

Start with the Basics. (Click Let's go)

Then choose Intro to JS/Drawing and Animation (Draw a snowman.)

Remember, capitalization matters. If you make one mistake like using : instead of ; your code WILL NOT WORK. Happy Coding!

ALERT! Coding might be hard but it is worth learning! People who know how to code can get a job at Amazon here in San Luis Obispo right out of college that pays $120,000. Most first jobs only pay about $35,000 if you're lucky!

ALERT: If Khan Academy is not working, do Code Combat.
Click here for Code Combat

Friday, February 16, 2018

2-16-2018 Make Up Day and CODING!

Do any missing or incomplete assignments in Amplify. Look at PowerSchool to see what is missing.
Look at any comments for our writing assignment 274 and make revisions. It’s work a lot of points.

  1. Explain what happens to energy when it hits carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen.
  2. Explain the importance of the amounts of energy entering and exiting the Earth's atmosphere and how that affects global temperature.
  3. Explain that when energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface it changes to heat. What happens when more energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface?
  4. Next: Explain the DIFFERENCE between fluctuation and trend using examples from the graph.

Early Finishers:
Continue working on Khan Academy Coding. Click Here  Use Earbuds if you have them. Or listen QUIETLY through your computer speakers.

Start with the Basics. (Click Let's go)

Then choose Intro to JS/Drawing and Animation (Draw a snowman.)

Remember, capitalization matters. If you make one mistake like using : instead of ; your code WILL NOT WORK. Happy Coding!

ALERT! Coding might be hard but it is worth learning! People who know how to code can get a job at Amazon here in San Luis Obispo right out of college that pays $120,000. Most first jobs only pay about $35,000 if you're lucky!

ALERT: If Khan Academy is not working, do Code Combat.
Click here for Code Combat

Thursday, February 15, 2018

2-15-2018 Make Up Day

Click here for Code Combat

Review your grades in PowerSchool. Look at any comments for our writing assignment from Friday and make revisions.

  1. Explain what happens to energy when it hits carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen. 
  2. Explain the importance of the amounts of energy entering and exiting the Earth's atmosphere and how that affects global temperature.
  3. Explain that when energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface it changes to heat. What happens when more energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface?
  4. Next: Explain the DIFFERENCE between fluctuation and trend using examples from the graph.

Early Finishers:
Continue working on Khan Academy Coding. Click Here  Use Earbuds if you have them. Or listen QUIETLY through your computer speakers.

Start with the Basics. (Click Let's go)

Then choose Intro to JS/Drawing and Animation (Draw a snowman.)

If you finish the snowman, work INTRO TO HTML/CSS: Making Webpages. Click Here.

Remember, capitalization matters. If you make one mistake like using : instead of ; your code WILL NOT WORK. Happy Coding!

ALERT! Coding might be hard but it is worth learning! People who know how to code can get a job at Amazon here in San Luis Obispo right out of college that pays $120,000. Most first jobs only pay about $35,000 if you're lucky!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

2-14-2018 Happy V-Day

Today's Activities
1. Go to Climate 312
Click here Learning.amplify.com

  • Population. This slider changes the number of people on Earth. Right now, about 7 billion people live on Earth.
  • Combustion per Person. This slider represents the average amount of combustion from each person on Earth. Combustion includes engines (cars) and the way most electrical energy is produced. (The video in the next activity will go into more depth about combustion.) The medium setting in the Sim models the current level of combustion per person.
  • Livestock per Person. Livestock are farm animals that humans raise and use, such as cows and sheep, and this represents the average number of these animals for each person on Earth. The animals are raised for meat, milk, wool, and more. The medium setting in the Sim models the current amount of livestock per person.
  • Forest Cover. This represents how much of the Earth’s land is covered by forest. The low setting in the Sim models the current amount of forest.
  • Gas Capture. Technologies are being developed to trap gases as they are released from factories or other sources. These technologies are just beginning to be used. The low setting models the current amount of gas capture.

2. Review your grades in PowerSchool. Look at any comments for our writing assignment from Friday and make revisions.

  1. Explain what happens to energy when it hits carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen. 
  2. Explain the importance of the amounts of energy entering and exiting the Earth's atmosphere and how that affects global temperature.
  3. Explain that when energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface it changes to heat. What happens when more energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface?
  4. Next: Explain the DIFFERENCE between fluctuation and trend using examples from the graph.

Early Finishers:
Continue working on Khan Academy Coding. Click Here  Use Earbuds if you have them. Or listen QUIETLY through your computer speakers.

Start with the Basics. (Click Let's go)

Then choose Intro to JS/Drawing and Animation (Draw a snowman.)

Remember, capitalization matters. If you make one mistake like using : instead of ; your code WILL NOT WORK. Happy Coding!

ALERT! Coding might be hard but it is worth learning! People who know how to code can get a job at Amazon here in San Luis Obispo right out of college that pays $120,000. Most first jobs only pay about $35,000 if you're lucky!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

2-13-2018 Review Carbon Dioxide and Methane effect on energy.

Today's Activities
Take out notebooks for review of Carbon Dioxide and Methane effect on energy.

Friday, February 9, 2018

2-9-2018 Climate 274 Write UP

Using the Sim, we discovered, Carbon dioxide and methane stop energy from leaving by redirecting energy that would have exited the system. 

This leads to less energy exiting the Earth system, so more energy enters than exits

We also know that when more energy enters than exits, there is more energy in the system and more energy can be absorbed by the surface, so temperature increases.

Today, we will write a report that answers the Chapter 2 Question, Why does temperature increase when carbon dioxide or methane increases?

1. First you create a diagram/model to show how Nitrogen DOES NOT affect the path of energy and how Carbon Dioxide DOES affect the path of energy. Use the MODELING TOOL 272 to create a diagram that looks like the one below. Be sure to HAND IN.

2. Then click next and make a similar diagram for METHANE. Hand in!

3. Then go to 274 and write your report! Be sure to use ALL of the words from the word bank: atmosphere, carbon dioxide, energy, methane, redirect, surface, temperature.

Explain what happens to energy when it hits carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen. 
Explain the importance of the amounts of energy entering and exiting the Earth's atmosphere and how that affects global temperature.
Explain that when energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface it changes to heat. What happens when more energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface?

Early Finishers:
Continue working on Khan Academy Coding. Click Here  Use Earbuds if you have them. Or listen QUIETLY through your computer speakers.

Start with the Basics. (Click Let's go)

Then choose Intro to JS/Drawing and Animation (Draw a snowman.)

Remember, capitalization matters. If you make one mistake like using : instead of ; your code WILL NOT WORK. Happy Coding!

ALERT! Coding might be hard but it is worth learning! People who know how to code can get a job at Amazon here in San Luis Obispo right out of college that pays $120,000. Most first jobs only pay about $35,000 if you're lucky!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

2-8-2018 Climate 272 and 274

Today's Assignment
262 Investigating Energy Interactions in the Sim

264 Exploring New Features in the Modeling Tool

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

2-6-2018 amd 2-7-2018Coding

Continue working on Khan Academy Coding. Click Here  Use Earbuds if you have them. Or listen QUIETLY through your computer speakers.

Start with the Basics. (Click Let's go)

Then choose Intro to JS/Drawing and Animation (Draw a snowman.)

Remember, capitalization matters. If you make one mistake like using : instead of ; your code WILL NOT WORK. Happy Coding!

ALERT! Coding might be hard but it is worth learning! People who know how to code can get a job at Amazon here in San Luis Obispo right out of college that pays $120,000. Most first jobs only pay about $35,000 if you're lucky!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018

2-2-2018 Climate 232

1. Read 232 Past Climate Changes on Earth (AKA Snowball Earth).

While reading, highlight any information that helps answer the question, How do carbon dioxide and methane affect energy entering or exiting the Earth system?  See if you can find at least TWO EVIDENCED/annotations.

2. Then go to Chapter 2 Lesson 4 Multiple Choice 1 and take the CRITICAL JUNCTURE TEST. Do not do the written response part of the test.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

2-1-2018 Climate 212

Climate Chapter 2

Go to 212 Energy Token Physical Model. We will use cubes to model the energy tokens.

Then we will watch the video: Flows Entering and Exiting a System.

We will do 213 together as a class discussion.

Then write your idea in 214 Reflecting on Energy.

6-4-2018 Chemical Reactions 323, 324

Click here  Learning.amplify.com (BOOKMARK THIS!) Metabolism 323: Reading - make 3 annotations and be ready to share. Metabolism 324:...